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Environment and Energy

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For more than 30 years, members of our Government Relations and Public Policy Environment and Energy Team have played central roles in shaping U.S. environmental and energy policy.

Why Baker Donelson?

12 former elected officials and presidential appointees
More than 30 advisors and attorneys, serving D.C. for more than 30 years
10 former congressional staffers

Featured Experience

Assisted a trade association in securing federal funding for groundwater monitoring and report language directing the Department of Interior on how the money should be allocated.

Reversed a pending regulation that would have crippled a major U.S. energy-related company.

Under the auspices of the Howard Baker Forum, organized national conferences and produced special reports on energy policy, innovation, technology policy, and nuclear energy with leading trade associations and think tanks, helping to frame national policy options.

Practice Overview

For more than 30 years, members of our Government Relations and Public Policy Environment and Energy Team have played central roles in shaping U.S. environmental and energy policy.

We advise clients and represent the interests of companies and organizations on environmental issues, including resource management, pollution, climate change, endangered species, water quality and quantity, and agriculture. We also represent clients on energy issues related to nuclear, fossil and renewable energy programs, power transmission, energy conservation and energy efficiency. We have particular experience in issues relating to nuclear non-proliferation and waste. We count among our clients major corporations, leading conservation organizations, the U.S. government and national laboratories.

In order to best navigate today's policy debate, Baker Donelson's Energy and Environment Team also explores pressing issues in the field through our involvement with the Howard Baker Forum, a bipartisan platform for examining specific, immediate and critical issues affecting the nation's progress at home and abroad. In particular, the Howard Baker Forum has organized major conferences and inquiries examining the future of hydraulic fracturing, U.S.-Japan nuclear energy policy and the potential for fusion energy breakthroughs, among others. The Howard Baker Forum is one of many tools Baker Donelson's Government Relations and Public Policy Team uses to achieve results for our clients.

The Government Relations and Public Policy Group is composed of lawyers and policy advisors, and members of our team have worked both as senior corporate executives and government policymakers. We understand the needs of the business community, and we understand how to make sure those needs are heard and understood on Capitol Hill. We are bipartisan in our approach, working on both sides of the aisle to craft viable solutions, while never compromising our clients' best interests.

  • Introduced small businesses to new market opportunities in the Departments of Defense, Energy, and Homeland Security.

  • Assisted a trade association in securing federal funding for groundwater monitoring and report language directing the Department of Interior on how the money should be allocated.

  • Helped small businesses gain entry to testing and evaluation programs at leading Department of Energy National Labs.

  • Reversed a pending regulation that would have crippled a major U.S. energy-related company.

  • Under the auspices of the Howard Baker Forum, organized national conferences and produced special reports on energy policy, innovation, technology policy, and nuclear energy with leading trade associations and think tanks, helping to frame national policy options.

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