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Web-based Forum on Energy Seeks to Balance Media Coverage of Nuclear Energy Developments

Fukushima Daiichi Anniversary is Opportunity to Discuss Vital Role of Nuclear Energy

As the March 11 anniversary of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident that struck and devastated the Tohoku region of Japan approaches, the media will be well served by a new source of accurate information and objective expert analyses regarding the accident at Fukushima Daiichi.  Forum on Energy launched on March 5, 2012 was established to provide this service. Forum on Energy is a new site hosted by the U.S.-Japan Roundtable on Nuclear Energy, an ongoing program of the Howard Baker Forum.

"Not unlike the fog of war, the crisis conditions caused by the devastating Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami made it very difficult to secure timely information and to make clear judgments about the situation. With time and a lot of effort conditions have improved, the damaged nuclear reactors are in cold shutdown and Japan has begun the long process of rebuilding. As the world examines what happened and why, Forum on Energy will provide the media, researchers and experts with a current, comprehensive source of information, analysis, and opinion," explains Scott L. Campbell, Senior Public Policy Advisor at Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC (Washington) and Director of the U.S.-Japan Roundtable on Nuclear Energy.

"Our goal, and the mission of the website, is to foster a balanced public discourse and inform opinion-leaders, business executives, energy bankers, regulators and policymakers about the crucial role Japanese and American companies are playing to promote the safe and secure expansion of nuclear power in the United States and worldwide," adds Mr. Campbell. "There are other important stories to be told: the future of nuclear energy, its unique role in providing ongoing energy needs and the industry’s continuing efforts to ensure safe operations."

Forum on Energy is a project of the U.S.-Japan Roundtable, an ongoing program of the Howard Baker Forum. The Roundtable provides a public policy forum to foster a balanced public discourse and inform opinion-leaders, business executives, energy bankers, regulators and policymakers about the crucial role Japanese and American companies are playing to promote the safe and secure expansion of nuclear power in the United States and worldwide.

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