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Tom Daschle Offers Advice for President Barack Obama in Los Angeles Times

Returning to Washington with fewer numbers and increased doubt about their direction in the new Congress, Democrats are pushing President Obama to pursue a more aggressive economic agenda that lays the groundwork for a political rebound in 2016 by focusing sharply on helping the middle class. In this Los Angeles Times article, former U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) said his main advice to the president is to be "relentlessly engaging."

"We have to recognize that we can't be purists here," he said. "Whether it's trade or tax or energy or health, there are a lot of things we can do. I think we've got to go with that attitude. Let's make the most of the next 24 months and see where we can build on what they've been able to do so far. There's a rich agenda if they want to pursue it."

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