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Case Studies

Unanimous Jury Defense Verdict for Nursing Home in Medical Negligence Trial

Medical Negligence Litigation

Client: Nursing and rehab center
Type of case: Medical negligence
Length of trial: Seven days
Amount in dispute: Approximately $4 million
Result: Defense verdict for client

The adult children of a long-term resident of a nursing and rehab center accused the nursing home of failing to provide the appropriate medical care for their mother, which then resulted in a Stage IV pressure wound and death. The children also claimed that the nursing home medical records reflected that the staff did not meet the nursing standard of care with respect to the prevention of skin breakdown, as well as to the treatment of the pressure wound. They sued the center for approximately $4 million.

Baker Donelson defended the center in a seven-day jury trial. Over the course of trial, we successfully proved that the nursing home staff met the standard of care and that the resident's skin breakdown was the result of a natural terminal process. The jury agreed, returned a unanimous defense verdict for the nursing home.

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