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Science Fiction is Now Science: GINA, The Newest Anti-Discrimination Law

July 15, 2010
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM


Baker Donelson Center
211 Commerce Street, Suite 800
Nashville, Tennessee


July 15, 2010
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

The Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act (GINA) became effective in November 2009 and prohibits discrimination and retaliation by employers based on an individual's genetic information (i.e., results of an individual's genetic tests which may reveal certain diseases or disorders). The Act also regulates how such information may be gathered, monitored and disclosed. Join attorneys Mark Baugh and Liz Moccaldi as they provide information about how employers may need to modify their hiring, firing, promotion and compensation practices to avoid GINA-based discrimination claims.

 Complimentary program and breakfast. CLE credit applied for. This program has been submitted to HR Certification Institute for review.

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